Call for Applications e-Learning Course
Open procedure to select and recruit participants in the pilot delivery of the e-Learning Course ‘Recognition of pain, suffering and distress and its application in the evaluation of severity of the procedures’ (species specific: mice and rats) foreseen within the Erasmus+ HERMES Project.
NEWS: Deadline extension
Please be informed that, thanks to the interest toward the course, expressed both at European and international level, the enrollment phase has been extended up to October, 16 2020.
Consequently, in order to organise the the delivery phase in the most appropriate way for all the participants, the course starting has been postponed to October, 22 2020.
NEWS: Late enrollments
Please be informed that, the enrollment closed on October, 16. Nevertheless, in order to satisfy several requests that are still coming, if you are interested in joining the course, please fill-in the following form dedicated to late enrollments.
NEWS: Course closure postponed
In order to satisfy all the still coming enrollment requests, the course will remain available until December 31, 2020.